Jacob Black
Dartington, Devon , UK

Jacob Black 

Jacob Black (1995) is a British award-winning artist and photographer. Through a passion for the social sciences and lens-based documentation, Jacob completed a BA in Politics (2018) and an MA in Photojournalism (2021).

Working with both analogue and digital, Jacob explores ideas of land and environment, drawing on myth and the human connection to personal surroundings and habitats. Jacob's work is often informed by the ambiguities within the photographic medium, exploring how process-driven photographic experimentations can construct narratives in visual storytelling.

In 2022 Jacob exhibited his work Forget Me Not in galleries in London and New York. He contributed images and text to publications such as The Royal Photographic Society and the Tates Moderns book collection. Jacob won the 2022 Lensculture B&W awards and is a recipient of the Lensculture working grant for his work 'I Cannot Wipe Sunrise Down My Jumper To Get Rid Of Fingerprints' which was exhibited at Photo London 2023. More recently Jacob has been exploring the topic of air pollution (PM 2.5) for his residency at Studio88 and participation in the Art For Air Festival Chiangmai 2023.

Jacob works commercially for Flatspot / Always In Colour as a Photographer.